Thursday, January 10, 2013

Year of the Potty

I claimed 2013 as MY year, but after the past couple of days I am thinking it may change to the "Year of the Potty!"
My big girl has "peepeed in the potty" 5 times today!
If you know Macie, you know this is a HUGE deal!
I  don't know who gets more excited, me or her.
I asked for advice (or pointers) from friends since we're just now putting a big focus on this and most answered with the same things. Let her wear panties (no diapers), give her lots of juice (or water) and to reward her with candy, a sticker chart or her favorite treat. I'm happy to report that in the 5 days we have been working on it, I have only had to give her candy one time and that was the first day!
Macie, you are amazing!
Here's to great potty training success! 


  1. She has really taken off with this potty training business. I'm so proud of her!

  2. You need to blog more. It's what the cool kids do. And let's face it, we are the poster children for cool.
